Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The showdown

There can be no confusion around here about who is running things outside. Charlie is the boss of all that he surveys--he is rarely challenged, but the new feller thought they should talk about it. The new feller might be named Tazer. Or he might not. Mostly I call him my baby Monster.

Anyway, this discussion happened yesterday as I went to work. Tazer was sniffing Charlie so hard, I thought he would snort him right up. Please ignore Charlie's box--he and Peeg keep busy moving it all around the driveway. Strange hobby but it keeps them out of other trouble, so I leave it there.

Normally when a big scary dog is checking out Charlie, he just lays there and glares. It even puts off Simba, the most notorious cat killer I have ever known. This time though, he got up and moseyed off so Tazer followed him. Charlie took exception to that, and had to turn all the way around to glare at Tazer. You would have thought he poured hot water on him the way that dog flew backwards from the cat.

It took a couple of more tries for Tazer to fully comprehend that Charlie was not in the mood for him. It was almost as fun to watch as Peeg and Tazer wrestling the day before--I have to get set up to video that, as you will not believe it til you see it.

Tonight is a Tazer free night. He is at the vet clinic, recovering from his neuter (thank you Jesus) and stomach tacking. He gets to come home tomorrow--but will have to go on a road trip with me for most of the nite. Poor guy, but I am sure he would rather be with me than in the bathroom by himself when he does not feel good.

Slater and Simba are glad he is gone. I have still kept them separated, although they have all met. He has required the most attention, so they have been a little neglected. Right now they are asleep on the couch--I promised them we would all watch TV in the bed all night, but I have not gotten to go there yet. That is all right, they cannot tell time. Unfortunately, I can--and I am worn out. I have worked a whole extra day since Monday, I have put in so many extra hours. Plus, sleeping with Tazer is sometimes not an easy task--I swear we had an actual fistfight last nite, and there was some yelling as well. He thinks everything is a game. He is such a playful pup that when he bulldozes me, it can get rough in there! It is like a warzone during parts of the nite--the rest of the time he is either snoring or licking his package. I have no tolerance for that slurping and hope he gets it out of his system soon.

So that is that on that note.

The other big news is that this very minute, Mandy and Edward are in Korea meeting Crews. They met him this afternoon--or now--hell, I don't know exactly what time it is there. They do not know when they get to take full custody of him, but they come home Monday so it cannot be too long. I bet they are completely wrecked with all the adrenaline. It hardly seems like it is real though, after all this time, the last few steps went so fast. Hopefully I will have some pics in the middle of the nite that I can post here

Back to my reality TV marathon--I had to record ANTM, so have to catch up on that. I may not make it long enough to see my new favorite show Hellcats--have you seen that? So cute


Anonymous said...

Charlie and Tazar-------too funny for words---now-----with LOTS MORE PICS AND STORIES to become available as time goes forward.

Toys for Tots---that are 4-legged---are priceless. Old boxes are important---and then there was the 'paper bags' which were WONDERFUL FOR our Tweedy-----who loved them.

Hope is sent via you to your sister and family to complete the trip and bring Crews home.

Enjoy Carol
After seeing a couple of pics---seems like Tazar might be a good name.

Anonymous said...

That is awesome that Amanda and Ed are getting their precious little Crews! I cant wait to see pics! I cant get to her blog because it is blocked again. I hope to get to houston with my husband when he goes on business to meet him and Gabbi! I havent seen them since his grad at WP.Although Ted has seen Ed at lunch there one day! Yay for your whole family! I hope your dad is doing well.
Rachelle Lanham

Venom said...

OMG - my little house dog SNORKELS in her frigging crotch SO LOUDLY that I have to yell at her to KNOCK IT OFF RIGHT NOW!

Crotch Snorkelers, I hate that...

Photo of the Whenever I feel like changing it

Photo of the Whenever I feel like changing it


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