Sunday, August 8, 2010

Wonkers is a klepto

We are still recovering from Reunion Weekend, so not much to report on. At least not that I am GOING to report on, that is. Maybe in a few days. But I knew I had better get something up here before every one totally quit reading this thing.

We worked on a few more pics today for Project Update the Website and sell these horses, and as usual, Baby Wonkers stole the show. If it is not one thing, it is another with him. Not only did he want to come out with every other horse to interrupt the photo session, he would run off with something.

First, it was a halter that was hanging on a gate. That interrupted things for a while, as every time we would get a horse set up for pictures, Wonk would come shooting through the shot, flopping that stupid halter around.

Fine then, we thought, if he was bound and determined to distract everyone, he could do his photo shoot. He is obviously an attention hog. He wanted Barry to love on him, or scratch him, or lay something down so he could steal it. I think that was his main goal.

And finally, Barry did--he dropped HaidaGirl's lead. Wonkers swooped in to save the day--he sure did not want his mama to go anywhere without him. Obviously, the best way to make sure she did not go anywhere without him was for Wonk to hold her lead in his teeth. He dragged HG around in circles for a while, and Barry just got out of the way. It was so funny to watch her plant her foot and just spin around and try not to run over Wonk, but Wonk was not about to drop that lead rope---at least not until he made sure I got only really bad pics of it.

This one is a character--the last baby I had this much fun with was Peter Pan, ten years ago. Some of them just have so much personality, they don't have anywhere to keep it all.

And you should see him play this game with a water hose--I cannot just drop the hose in their water trough and go do something else--either HG is in the water kicking it all out, or Wonk runs off with the hose. These two are a full-time job


Anonymous said...

Horse Student says: Wow! Horses can be like dogs---full of personality and Wonkers seems full of it. He is such a 'charmer'

Another free lesson introducing me to the world of horses.


Anonymous said...

Horse Student says: Wow! Horses can be like dogs---full of personality and Wonkers seems full of it. He is such a 'charmer'

Another free lesson introducing me to the world of horses.


Jocelyn said...

How cute! Looks like we are goin gto be in Florida 13 through 17th!

Yeah for a vacation finally!

Venom said...

I have two 'ropers' in my little herd at the moment...
Padre, my morgan gelding, cannot be left tied up for long because he will untie any knot, any where, any time. But he stays put.
Duncan, the QH, not only unties any knot meant to hold HIM, he then travels around the barn freeing everyone else too!
Love the Wonky pics.

Photo of the Whenever I feel like changing it

Photo of the Whenever I feel like changing it


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