Sunday, August 1, 2010

What Happy Looks like

we have worked our tails off all weekend--and that is no exaggeration. In the middle of it today, we took a little break for play time, and I am glad we did, because this reminded me why we do all the work we do.
Bree had never ridden Hawk before, and did not really mean to this time--she just fetched someone, anyone, out of the pasture to play with this afternoon. She cleaned up his sitting spot and climbed on and started playing. I suspect Hawk has never been ridden bareback--I know I have not, because I suck at it and my legs are too dang short, and Barry does not play. Hawk was happy about the whole arrangement though.

We get so caught up in the business end of horses, and the competitive angles, and the sales goals--and it is so easy to forget that they are supposed to be fun. They are supposed to make us happy and take us away from real life, if even just for a minute.

Bree had fun, Hawk had fun, and I had fun--it was fun to watch, and satisfying to know that a 12 year old could drag him out of the pasture after months since his last ride, and he would be just fine for play time.

Thanks Bree for making me remember why we bother, and what the point of all this is---and I will get the rest of the jillion pics edited and posted soon. Can't wait til you come back!


Holly said...

kids are good like that....for having fun.

EmmaP said...

its always good to take a break sometimes... looks like fun!

Anonymous said...

That 'kid' is especially good for having and sharing fun with everyone--------- LOOK FORWARD TO PICS-----assuming Bree is in some-------

What a fantastic end to a wonderful week----first in Tenn at Ree's followed by ----at yours with 'live horses'

(Our ATV is called horse).

Enjoy---enjoying---will enjoy

Lorna said...

She had a blast! She would have pulled more of them out to hop up on, but just not enough time :(

You should know that she'll probably start pestering you in May about your offer to come next summer and work at the farm!

It was great to see you, BS and all your kids!

Anonymous said...

I would like to exchange links with your site
Is this possible?

Photo of the Whenever I feel like changing it

Photo of the Whenever I feel like changing it


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