Sunday, November 16, 2008

Slow Sunday

Sunday started out easy --this was last nite as we watched Saturday Night Live. Simba sure loves him.
Although I am sure there is no couch in the world that was designed for a man Barry's size and a 135 pound dog to lie side by side--they did it anyway.

Today was an easy day--we had breakfast at the friend's restaurant again and he said he saw a friend from high school that lives in Florida out last nite and they were talking about calling me. I sure wish they had. I hope I do not miss her before she is gone home again.

Then we went to WalMart to pick up some odds and ends but really to waste 45 minutes before the movie started--first thing that happened was I ran into Tess and Stephanie shopping, who I never see. They too had just been hanging out with Amy P, and had pictures to show me. We wasted most of our shopping time talking about how funny it is that we have all gotten back in touch via Facebook. That thing really is a trip, once you get over feeling like a child stalking people. It is totally worth it.

They even had pics of a lunch they all had this week, and news of one of my best friends from junior high and early high school who I do not think I have seen since my wedding---much news in her world, including a pregnancy, a change of lifestyle--pretty much the whole nine yards. It was so odd to learn these things, but isn't it amazing how the passage of time really does kind of numb you to past hurts and fears? All I could think was how much I wish I could see her--and wondering if Barry realized who they were talking about so that he could understand how significant the news was. He did, which made me happy to learn---she was pretty much gone from my life long before I met him, but she was so very important to me--it made me happy to know that he knew who they were talking about and the role she had played in my life. I miss her.

We got our short shopping done and were rushing to the movies when Barry pointed out it was 12:30 not 1:30 when the movie starter. Huh. Sure enough. So home we went to get workout clothes, ran to the farm to take care of business and tried the movie thing again. We saw Role Models which was very silly but funny funny funny. Stifler is a funny dude no matter what movie he is in or what they call him.

Home we came and Barry finally decided to cut down some trees that had fallen on out back fence line here at the house.

Meanwhile, I discovered the macro button on my camera. Now that the fog has lifted off my brain, I feel like I am in a whole new world--that is your warning that you are going to be inundated with pics that I have not been able to take before.

This is an example of the branches that are still on the way down.
One that was probably struck by lightning, causing it to split. This pic is not even in focus, is it?

He at least got started---but the chain is dull, so he got through one big one and that is it. I have to take it in this week and get it sharpened as they are a lot of big trees down.

When I have nothing better to post, I always end up going to the pig, don't I? He has wood chips in his house, but evidently he wants something else as he has round up all the leaves he can find ( a lot) and put them in his house. Then he buries himself in them

But they make him kind of itchy.
Is that funny how he is scratching his little pig head on the tree?

Look at the smile on his face--that is a happy pig.

Tequila is feeling better--I don't know if the painkiller is working over time or what, but I have not given her another one since Saturday around noon.
She will never be right, but I am glad to see her getting kind of back to her regular defects like that jacked up eye of hers.
As cute as she was in bed, it broke my heart to know I had to put her there and get her out. Definitely her back end is not working right, but that is not uncommon in Danes, so I will try to keep her as comfy as possible and see what happens.
Meanwhile, Twister is still zebra-looking. Fading, but still striped. And still has his hair up--I totally need to do something about that.

Now we are awaiting the call from the transport company who should be here between 10 and 11 pm to pick up Mojo to take him to Pennsylvania. That is a whole other post in itself, so I will save that for a full on ranting once matters are under control.


Kristina P. said...

It looks like you have a fun, interesting household!

Carissa(GoodnCrazy) said...

Holy crap?! Thanks so much for the comment, I promise my pity party is over...

And..what the heck was all that about? Dogs, pigs, horses...wal-marts? movies? Oh my? I need to read up some more here to even figure out who's in charge!

baseballmom said...

That pig is so cute-he really looks like he is smiling. I bet he's funny to watch.

Anonymous said...

Such a nice weekend-----good for all "you guys"! ! !

Have an equally nice Monday.

Enjoy Carol

Funder said...

Awww, I just love the dogs :) And the peeeg! He is a very happy peeg.

When I get around to getting another couch, I am definitely going to get a really wide one so Cersei and I can nap on it together.

Anonymous said...

I love that the pig collects leaves! He's so funny!

Libby's Library said...

Just wandered over from "Gizzards". Love seeing the pictues of all your animals. Escpecially LOVED the picts of the pig. I had a wonderful pot bellied pig - she hated the "outside", so instead of a doghouse and leaves, she had a sleeping bag and a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle pillow in the family room

Tiffany said...

Paige you sure have a cute hubby! AND a cute doggy.

And that pig is too funny. That pic where he is coming out of his house kinda looks scary. LOL I wouldn't wanna see that in the middle of the night. LOL

Jillene said...

Looks like you had a great day!!

You have quite the household!! Hubby, dogs, pigs and horses. That has to make for a lot of fun and laughs!!

Heather said...

Oh how I love that happy pig pic! Too cute!

I do love pigs. If we ever have enough land for animals, I'm so getting a pig or three. And *not* for bacon, either! Just 'cause they're awesome animals! :D

Photo of the Whenever I feel like changing it

Photo of the Whenever I feel like changing it


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