Monday, November 17, 2008

I screwed it up again -times two

Man, so I suck at this.

I see how people do special things for the 100th post, I decided that the next time I hit a milestone of some sort I would do the same thing.

Turns out that would have been my 1200th post. HolyMother of God that is a lot of bitching and moaning from me, huh?

But guess what happened? I screwed it up. This is 1,202. The last time I noticed, it was 1,193.

Oh well.

Yesterday's only injury was walking into the handicapped parking sign in the parking lot at WalMart and smacking my head--as usual, I was doing three things at once, and not paying enough attention

Another thing I screwed up---I have been waiting since Friday for the transporter to pick up Mojo. I got all the paperwork out on Tuesday--I remember laying the health certificate out on the kitchen table along with some other detritus from my purse. Then I went out of town. Thursday I got out the Coggins. ..which is new, so I knew I had it, but there is always a pile of them to sort through and hell, half my horses are named almost the same things, so I live in fear I will send the wrong one.

Shipper finally showed up at 10:30 Sunday nite. Guess what I cannot find--the health papers. Crap. We tore the car apart looking for them after I went through every piece of mail in the joint. And of course, it was too late to call Kevin to get a new set issued.

We got the horse loaded and I was hoping the shipper would let it slide or go to sleep and wait for me to get the new papers issued at 7 am. I looked until after midnite for the papers and finally fessed up that we could not find them--he decided to take me up on the second option and go to sleep.

Barry was driving me crazy with the "didja look here, didja look there" crap. Of course I did. Then he went through the trash can in the garage and BAM there they were.

That kept us up until almost 2:30 this morning--or it did me.

Bottom line, Mojo is on his way to Courtney and Holly, but first he has to go to Virginia to drop off a TB. That works out okay since they have had a blizzard in Pennsylvania yesterday and today. He should arrive late tomorrow nite or Wednesday.

All that time at the farm did let us get Tango wrapped--she is swelling up again after the swelling seemed to have gone down. It does not FEEL like swelling though, which is what throws me, her joints are not hot and she is not off in any way. I am probably being a neurotic fruit loop. These are her wet muddy legs on Saturday and they looked normal. Now there is no definition above her fetlocks--they looked okay here, and this shot was taken after she had been off of all gran for three days. She got one pound of Strategy to put her Bute on Saturday and Sunday they were bigger again--not puffy at all, just bigger.

What this leads to is that I did not get to work as early as I would have liked-I hate starting out Mondays feeling like I am running behind. I have no lunch partner for the mandatory lunch today, so I guess I will go to the farm and feed then, or to the gym---if I wait and go to the gym later today, then I can talk to the neanderthal about his defective equipment.

This weeks goals:
1--quit being so boring.
2 -work out four days
3 --go to grocery story to get stuff to make for a board thanksgiving party tomorrow, then make it and remember to go to party--so probably tuesday will be no workout day
4--continue with gutting of kitchen drawers etc that started when looking for paperwork tomorrow
5. be excited that Barry did all the laundry and put it away!
6. Consider taking Tequila to the vet and maybe do it, if her back end goes berserk again.
7. Deal with Tango and her issues.
8. Go home during daylight errors to take pics, as I feel like I am in a rut and very very very boring
9. update website per many requests for new pics of now yearlings, etc
10. get show results to update Hutch's website
11. Get together books for new giveaways-- I have about 6
12. Start damn Twilight book
13. Mail Mojo's papers.
14. Finally send in Gypsy's DNA
15. Finish a couple pics for Uno's registration, which might be due today. CRAP

If I can get half of this done today, I might feel like I am not so far behind


Queen-Size funny bone said...

sorry about you head on collision at Walmart...

Kristina P. said...

That's a lot of posts!

And really, you don't have to start the damn Twilight book. Seriously.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! That is a lot of posts!! Im a baby, Im only in my 50's!!

But I have to say that I am officially in love with the horses?? I LOVE horses. I have always wanted one. I have always wanted to take lessons to be able to ride better. I love love love them. My husband has promised me one. I better get it!! hehehe!

Thanks again for stopping by my blog!! I am going to add you to the reader!!

Funder said...

"Go home during daylight errors to take pics" - this is So Very Paige. LOL!

Jillene said...

I am sorry that you ran into the Handicapped sign but I really can't stop laughing! I wish I would have sen that!! I would have felt bad for you but I still would have laughed--SORRY!!

Ignore Kristina--read the book. Just remember to take it for what it is--a TEENAGE romance. It will be better if you keep that mind frame!!

Tiffany said...

*gasp* Don't take the Twilight names in vain.

I promise you once you read it you will be thanking me and telling the other non-Twilighters about it. It's THAT good.

Anonymous said...

OMG - you made me laugh so much with the last couple posts...and you are making me tired with the list of stuff you need to accomplish this week. That is why I do not write stuff down, cause then I think I have accomplished a lot and I don't have a list to disprove it!
Have a great week!'s frickin' 80-90 degrees out the middle of November!!!...but bad news is the fires are terrible and it was very smoky and raining ash at the beach on Saturday....

black betty said...

you made me tired just reading you would work out four days this week. holy mother of no... :D

good luck and thanks for stopping by my blog... :P

Holly said...

well the blizzard is supposed to be over but I think we are getting more snow.

Poor Mojo...from nice weather to awfulverybadterrible weather.

Anonymous said...

Hey, how old were you on your last birthday? ? ? ? Walking into handicapped signs! ! ! ! Sounds like something I would do---along with my "kind of multi-tasking"----checking my "LIST" of things to do

Etc. Etc. etc.
Enjoy Carol

Photo of the Whenever I feel like changing it

Photo of the Whenever I feel like changing it


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