Saturday, July 19, 2008

A Canadian Slybaby

He sure does not look like a baby does he? This is Molson, he just turned two years old. His mother was a daughter of Docs Adonis, so he is a really well bred colt. Unfortunately, Molson was her last foal--so it is a good thing she did so well with him.

He looks a lot like Sly, doesn't he? Definitely in the face, and some expressions and mannerisms.
While he has the crazy hair, it is not the patented Sly day glo fro that so many of them have--he only has about a tenth as much hair as his daddy.
Carrie has no idea how grateful she should be about that!

He is not as tall as Sly yet and at this exact moment, certainly fatter than Sly. That is not hard, unless it is winter, then it is very difficult to be fatter than Sly. I was really thrown when I first saw Molson, it is just eerie how much the babies all look alike, and Molson really looks good. I cannot wait to see how he changes when he gets to the trainer, which should be in September, I think.

I have a whole other photo session of him, but have not gotten to those photos yet-- I know they are better though, with better lighting. Stay tuned


Holly said...

he's a solid colt isn't he?

Carrie said...

Hey...there's my young man. He is fantastic.

And I think he has lots of hair...way more than his mom did and his sister does. LOL

MicBel QH said...

good looking boy!

Photo of the Whenever I feel like changing it

Photo of the Whenever I feel like changing it


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