Saturday, April 5, 2008

Getting things done

Man are we worn out!

LAst nite, we got Cash bred--her very first time and I missed it, which is a shame since they are usually so funny their first time. Barry said it went well.

The bunk feeder and troughs got moved, hay delivered to all the proper fields, stalls cleaned, everyone fed of course, some laundry done--what else were we supposed to do? We were home relatively early, and too tired to even think about dinner. We sat in the chairs for a while, and got in bed at 9 pm. That was a shock to my system so I got up and read until 11, then slept like a log.

Today, Barry was up early to get his hair cut and we went to McLeansboro to get hay. On the way, we saw some people we knew and got some leads on some hay baling dudes. Got hay, brought it home, dragged it off the flatbed in a hillbilly hay, but it got done and Barry went off to get the second load of hay. I started Madison on the great bucket cleaning escapade of 2008-- at one point, she had 28 buckets lined up, filled with soap and she was soaked to the bone. Good thing it was a nice day!

All the stalled horses got a nice surprised today--even though it is muddy as hell, I turned them all out for the day and nite=---maybe even until Monday nite when it is supposed to start raining again. That raises issues of its own, but there is always something.

Our next project, after running a few errands was to burn the piles of branches in teh pasture. This is clearly harder than it appears, as we had a heck of a time getting them to burn. One never did take off, but the second one at least fot a start. Meanwhile, Barry cut some fire wood out of the larger trees to give to Julie's dad tomorrow.

NEXT--are you thinking surely to God this day should have ended by now?-- Barry took Sly to breed Hotrod--and I did more laundry, made something to eat and tried to watch the end of the UCLA Memphius game but fell asleep. I was so tired, I do not even think I turned over in my hour and a half nap.

And now, I have done 90% of the tax stuff for my appointment Monday morning. Our expenses last year were obscene--not only did we buy the Gator and the tractor, but the hay was super high and we built the Great Wall of Lynchburg road which cost a pretty penny. And of course, with no big dog like Genuine Appeal to sell, the income was pretty ugly. I am scared to go to the tax man, which is absurd, but I feel like it is the principal's office. I have to come up with a few more vet bills by 9 am Monday, and then I should be ready to roll

I am editing a couple of pics to make an Aries post, and then I am crashing. I have to be on the road at 8 am to meet Head and Linda on the way to the Shawnee to go ride--I am really looking forward to it, just hope we do not drown!


Holly said...

it is now 2pm in PA so you should be well and truly in the middle of your ride. I hope it went well, you had fun and your horse stayed upright. Who did you take to ride?

Holly said...

I'm exhausted reading that!

Photo of the Whenever I feel like changing it

Photo of the Whenever I feel like changing it


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