Sunday, March 23, 2008

Boy's day out

I was so excited for today's turnout for baby boy-- I had the whole day open to take pics and play with him.

So guess what happened? It rained. Then it stopped. Then it snowed. Then it stopped. Then it sleeted. Then it stopped.

We got them out for about 3 minutes before it clouded up and started making a mess.

I tried to use the sports feature on my camera to take pics and I am not happy with the results at all, but these are the pics I got. I don't know if they would have been better out instead of so overcast, so Iw ill try some again on that day. If it ever comes.


Kaycie said...

Like I told you before we are having wonderful warm weather, but with that comes the snakes, and yep we killed a baby rattler this evening.

Lazy A Ranch said...

I love to see the babies playing, they are adorable. When is your next one due?

Photo of the Whenever I feel like changing it

Photo of the Whenever I feel like changing it


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