Monday, January 21, 2008

Not a horse or a dog

I really do have a real job, and this is where the official part of it happens.

This is the Appellate Court of Illinois, Fifth Judicial District. It is about 150 years old, and used to serve as the Illinois Supreme Court. It has several claims to fame, but the most relevant to me is that Abraham Lincoln argued here on occasion, as he rode the circuit. That is pretty serious business to an Illinois lawyer, and there is definitely an air about the place that is historical. There are a lot of other important things that have happened here too, I will have to dig up the lieterature on it to make sure I am telling it right, and detail it all on here.

Every season, the building looks different, because of the beautiful trees, and the ground lighting. I will have to remember to take updated pics as things change.


Robin Sallie said...

Looks like a post card! I love the older buildings.

Holly said...

what a gorgeous old building. lots of history there huh?

Anonymous said...

The building is beautiful and I can just imagine the four changing seasons just add to the beauty.

Yes, please give additional info about it when you have time. I enjoy history and especially the local stories.

In one of my lives, I worked in banks and traveled. We went to Freeport, Il where there is a nice statue honoring the Lincoln-Douglas debate Aug. 27, 1858. The people we worked with were very proud of history in their town, but alas this was before camera phones etc, and like today no time on my own. We did stay the whole weekend but worked 12 hour days to complete our job on the weekend.


Shannon said...

Ooooh, I've been there! :)

Holly said...

That is a beautiful old building. Very graceful. I love to hear the history behind things, even recent history.

We are very lucky in this country to be able to preserve so much of it.

Paige said...

They are getting ready to put up a statue of Lincoln in front of it--there is a big fund raising drive going on right now.

There is one a little south of here too, in honor of the Lincoln Douglas debates.

Another thing that happened here is that it was turned into a Red Cross hospital at one time, and Clara Barton worked out of it. That is pretty cool.

But not much can beat standing in the same courtroom where Lincoln stood--extrememly intimidating to a newbie, but is old hat to me by now.

Elly'sMom said...

It is a pretty building. I would love to see pics of it through out the different seasons Paige. I love that kind of history. It must be awe inspiring to stand where Mr. Lincoln did once and argue a case as he did.

Paige said...

I will try to remember to take new pics as the seasons change.

I just looked it up, it was built in 1857, and was originally the southern division of the Supreme Court. When the Illinois Constitution was passed in 1870, establishing appellate courts, it was used as both. The Supreme Court was consolidated in 1897 and moved to Springfield.

Photo of the Whenever I feel like changing it

Photo of the Whenever I feel like changing it


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