Monday, January 21, 2008

As Missy says "Ain't this a bitch"

Yes it is. Both she and I gnawed our nails through the end of the CSU Stallion service auction and were 75% successful. I won both I was after and she got one of hers.

Then we get emails that because of a glitch in the system, the auction is being re-opened until Wednesday at 11 am. I was SO excited for her and me and our programs (not to mention our pocketbooks). We may still win them, but it will likely cost more, and it is hard on a sister's nerves to have to go through it all over again.


I did go to the farm and find my phone in the pasture, so that is good. It is cracked and stepped on, but she still works!


MicBel QH said...

I just read Melissa blog and wow, that is a bitch! I don't know how you go through that, I'd pull my hair plum out. Keeping positive thoughts through Wed when it ends again, maybe you'll still win!

Holly said...

well good for finding the phone, but that's a bitch about the auction!

Anonymous said...

I think you might should look into getting your phone surgically attached to your body somehow cause you certainly cannot manage to keep track of it yourself :-) You might could hold a world record for losing/breaking cell phones!

Elly'sMom said...

Glad you found your phone. I hate not having mine, something Sabrina thinks is hers. HMPH!

That sucks about the auction. Which ones were you bidding on?

Photo of the Whenever I feel like changing it

Photo of the Whenever I feel like changing it


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