Friday, January 18, 2008

For pete's sake

No matter what I do, how hard I try, I screw things up.

I went to tan and work out after work as planned and hit my goal on the bike. I had to hurry home and shower so I did not stink up the Headleys when they came over. When it was time to meet them at the farm, I worked on Mojo for a bit and turned him out. During that time, Head called to say where they were, and obviously I answered my phone. They arrived, Head drew blood and we got in our trucks to go to dinner. At that time, I realized my phone was gone.

No big deal, it had to be in the barn. We had a great dinner, and ate so much we got too tired to go to a movie. Barry brought me home to do laundry while he went back to the farm go get hay for the boys and call my phone. He cannot find it anywhere. And it rings LOUD, and has a full charge--so what is the problem, I ask you?

I am so frustrated!


Elly'sMom said...

Did you look in your car? Or Heads car? Maybe it's in your purse or you dropped it as you were getting into the car. I loose mine at least once a week. Retracing your steps are the best way, that and keep calling it.

Paige said...

Never got in my car or his--just into Barry's truck. As I got in there, I realized I did not have it. Not in my purse either. I just cannot figure out why he could not hear it ring. I hope he did not run over it.

I am really starting to think there is something wrong with me with these stupid phones.

Guess I will look again tomorrow---just what I need to do in 10 degree weather

Holly said...

10 degrees? You are having a heat wave woman! This morning (0607) it' is presently 17°F but feels like 6 degrees and I think the weather people are wrong. I think it's 6 degrees and feels like the arctic circle!

you do seem to have a love/hate relationship with cell phones don't you?

I lost mine around t'giving time and found it when the snow melted....totally ruined of course but it was time to replace it anyway. Mine fell out of a hoodie front pocket and I didn't know it.

Anonymous said...

I hope you bought insurance. I didn't have it when I lost mine, but I was so sure it wouldn't happen again that I didn't buy it for the replacement. Shortly after that I left it on top of my car and, of course, it fell off and broke. I still don't have insurance, but it sounds like a good investment for both of us.
Love you,

Anonymous said...

Holy balls. Didn't you just get that phone?

Photo of the Whenever I feel like changing it

Photo of the Whenever I feel like changing it


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