Saturday, March 23, 2013

First foal of 2013- Trouble

Born right at last call last night, Diablo's baby boy finally made his debut.  We had been watching her closely for a week, as she threatened to foal last Friday night but changed her mind, and started waxing Wednesday nite.  Just before my new Foal Watch Emergency Response Team (which I swear is like a pack of fireman, the way we all hang out together and entertain ourselves until it is time to do something) called it a night, we made one last check and he was brand new.  All three of us spent a couple of hours with him, doing all the new foal things and loving on him, and finally crashed around 4 am today.

  These pics were taken around 13 hours old.   It was 53 degrees today, and even though he probably should have stayed in to let his tendons on the rear relax, I could not let him miss the last pretty day before the snow comes, so Vanessa and I and her kids took him out to play around 11:30 this morning.  He enjoyed 7 hours of play time with his mama, and had so many visitors that I cannot even count them all. There were at least 5 little kids, and truck after truck of friends and neighbors that came by either to see him, or just because it was so nice out.

     I hesitate it to say it for fear of jinxing it, but I have never had a baby this easy.  He had no problems following his mama out of the stall---normally babies cannot work a door for a few days, I think because their eyes are not adjusted to the world yet.  Other than getting distracted by following Tanner around on his way to his play pen, he acted like a much older baby.

    We did a bunch of farm chores today like moving the trailer, and running new electrical stuff (my Team is a multi-talented bunch and is sure making my life easier lately! Thanks Marion!), and moving hay, so were in and out to see him all afternoon. Each time I came back to see him, I was sure he would have turned and not be so willing to be loved on and start fighting back, which is normal for new babies.  But he did not---he stayed sweet and easy all day and maybe even got better every time.

  Could be be any cuter?

      And look what a beast he is!  He already has to duck down to nurse, which is not all that strange for Diablo's babies, but he is also already well muscled and filled out too.

     I let Vanessa's kids name him, so instead of calling him Last Call or Buzz like we thought was so funny last nite, they decided to call him Trouble---because getting him here sure was a lot of trouble!  Since his dad is TR Dual Rey, and mom is Diablo's Young Gun, I am thinking of registering him as TR Gun Trouble.

 Look at that funny little boy.  I am more than a little in love already.
The next one due is Aries, and she is due tomorrow, but I have no reason to think she is foaling any time soon.  She is in a foaling stall just in case but I think it is safe for us to take the night off tonight, so I am going to snuggle up with my boy and watch some March Madness.  What better way to cap off an excellent day?


Anonymous said...

Trouble will be double trouble cause he is so handsome and according to you---nice.


Anonymous said...

I think I commented on this post---but - - -

NOW I AM hoping this 'spring weekend' of ??????? weather did not harm Trouble as well as another baby on its way.

The weather was awful and continues today.

Anonymous said...

Looks like Diablo had a little angel!

Anonymous said...

Looks like Diablo had a little angel!


Photo of the Whenever I feel like changing it

Photo of the Whenever I feel like changing it


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