Monday, August 17, 2009

Stormy--in more ways than one

This is what the sky looked like when I got to the farm after spinning class tonight--around 7:30. It was hot, but really pretty, all day. Until I got home to do the things that I do after work, of course.

But that is all right, my whole day was pissy pissy pissy. It was fine until I went for my weigh-in this morning. I was so excited, I knew it was going to be good--and it was not as good as expected. I only lost. 2.25 pounds. Damn it. I really worked hard--2 training sessions, 4 spinning classes, under 100 carbs a day for every day but one--I really thought I would get close to losing all the 7 pounds I had gained back.

But oh no. Hell no. I was so disappointed, that when the Beast got on to me about something, I actually frigging cried. At the gym. Like some sort of damn girl. It was awful. I tried to get away from him, but he caught me at it and that set me off worse. So there I stood blubbering all over his shirt like a mental patient. It was truly appalling.

He worked me so hard though that I got my crying over with--can't cry and sweat simultaneously for very long. It was a good workout. Then I did right eating only a hamburger patty and green beans for lunch, then I worked my butt off at work.

I got caught up in a new case that is very confusing. Round and round I went for 1600 pages trying to figure out which end is up, which is hard enough with some of these cases, but when you have a certifiably insane person doing all the talking it is even worse.

I guess the word spread that I was having a day. One of my antagonizers at work (a good one) has a habit of sneaking up on me and scaring me half to death while I am concentrating. Then he comes in and sits in the chair and THEN asks if he can come in and sit down. He did that, and started asking me some legal stuff. I was trying to concentrate but I think my poor little brain was over-taxed. Before I knew what had happened, we agreed I am an idiot and I threw him out of my office. Then I cackled so long and hard someone came to check on me.

I think the psychotic break is coming on. I really do.

Tomorrow has to be better. I am going to insist it be free of jackassery and people who do not appreciate things. Or else.


Holly said...

blubbered all over his shirt huh?

that sounds....interesting. Do tell. *taps fingers on desk*.

Paige said...

Pretty much what it sounds like. I was mad, and he was aggravating me, and I was trying to get a grip on myself, but he would not leave it alone. Next thing you know I was standing there next to the damn ab machine crying and sniffling and carrying on until I snotted up his shirt.

He pisses me off but he is a good boy. And I am pretty sure he has been punished for making me mad by me crying on him. He has the torn bicep that is a mess and huts something fierce, but he still hugged me til I quit bawling

Anonymous said...

You know it takes a few days for the work to pay off. You'll lose the weight next week that you worked off last week. I actually went to the gym Friday and Sunday and plan to go tomorrow.
You're doing great. Just hang in there.
Sounds like you and Barry had a good weekend.
Love you,

EmmaP said...

oh my gosh, i laughed so hard... sounds like me when i am stressed and exhausted. i cry easily and over the slightest thing... hahaha!

City girl turned Country Girl said...

Definitely a "Paige-aster" kind of day!! I too had one of those is anything going to go right Mondays...So hopefully our Tuesday will be better!!

Anonymous said...

Girl or boy-----it is allowed to cry---once in awhile. So What!

Two Moms now say be patient----those extra pounds will come off-----PERSEVERE!

and I appreciate your stories, photography, and your blog and friendship.

Enjoy Carol

The Wife said...

Keep up the hardwork Paige, it will pay off. Can we make today the National Free of Jackassery Day? I think we could all use it.

Linda said...

At least you are losing weight! I've been going to the gym for a year and haven't lost one pound! That's right. 2 days a week w/trainer 5 days a week cardio and ONE ONE POUND! Talk about pissed!
Give'em Hell Paige!

coreymom40 said...

ohhh, I did that last Friday. It came out of no where. Had myself a good ole crying fit. (Hence the liquid carbs)

Got up Saturday morning and worked out. Luckily I didn't do too much damage.

Keep at it.
I don't think I could go to the gym I think I would cry every day. :)

Courtney said...

You've just had an awful time lately. I'm with your Mom and Carol - you'll lose those pounds next week. Exercise takes time to catch up.

Jodi said...

You are quite the mess aren't you, Miss Paige. LOL I say The Beast deserved to be snotted on for being such a hard ass. But you can do it. You have to. I am failing miserably, someone must succeed and I nominate you. :)

Kim said...

OMG a day without Jackassery? I just wouldn't know what to do with myself.

And really if it weren't the trainer to make you cry it probably would have been someone else later in the day. I know this from experience. Up down, who are we?

Photo of the Whenever I feel like changing it

Photo of the Whenever I feel like changing it


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