Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Who am I?

It occurs to me that I have about three different personalities. Well not really personalities--but different sections of my lives. Is everyone like that?

I used to think, way back in the day, that if I could get settled in my career, everything would be swell. I have been doing my job now for eleven years, and while I love the work, I do not love the situations going on in my office. I WANT to do what I am doing, I think it is vitally important, but not many people are cut out to do it. That adds a little feeling obligation to the whole thing as well. I am angry that I may be so miserable that I have to consider finding something else to do. It also scares me to death.

I also used to think of myself first and foremost as a lawyer. If you asked me who I am or what I do, that would probably be the first word out of my mouth. That is not true any more though.

I think that is probably a good thing. A job should not be your whole life, even if it is a job like mine.

Then I have my next section of my life--the horses. This is what I truly love and if it were up to me, and I won the lottery, I would put into effect the plans I make up in the middle of the nite when I cannot sleep.

But even at the level we are now with the horses we have raised and are raising, I still love it. I am so glad to be back to the type of breeding we have done this year, because I missed the adrenaline rush of having a real prospect born in my barn and seeing them grow up. On the other side, I feel a little more ownership in the Slybabies, and that they are doing so amazingly well for us and all their owners gives me a great sense of pride. I just wish it was easier to get people to try them.

Then there is the third part of me---the just plain Paige. I do not really think I am that plain though-- I am volatile, and loud-mouthed, and opinionated, and I fight for the underdog, and I like to take naps, and watch TV all through the nite, and I love to read--I love to plan vacations and go on them. I like getting caught up in a new hobby, like photography, or scuba diving, or who knows what it will be next. I like happy hour and theater productions, and college basketball, and Big 10 football games before it gets cold. I love my dogs like they are people. I don't want kids, for about 40 reasons, but I may give in on that one. I believe in doing the fun stuff today, as there may not be tomorrow.

There are a lot of parts of me that I do not like --I do not like it that I am so sensitive to perceived slights, like I have some huge chalkboard in my head where it is all mapped out how I am getting screwed. I have some absurd chip on my shoulder, that I am not noticed, or looked over all the time---I can cite to you so many instances where I swear the whole world forgets I even exist. And why do I do that? What is the matter with me that I cannot get around those situations? Even when people do notice me, I feel so misunderstood. I sound like a bad sitcom.

I am stuck in the past, I think. How can that be when my present is so full? I even still dress like I am in college, just lots bigger sizes. And that is another thing--not being able to get a grip on my eating is a source of great shame to me---and Jenna pointed out to me that I talk about being fat on this blog more than I ever do in real life. I did not realize that. That is interesting as well. What is that about, you think?

There are good things about me, I think. I am fun pretty much. I think. I have some really good friends. While I am mostly bitching full-time, I really do have some pretty decent perspective. Then again, that leads to one of my worst attributes--my lack of tolerance for people who constantly complain but never DO anything about their situation. I also have no tolerance for people who make excuses. And evidently, I cannot stay on point either.

Anyway, what is that all about, that I am being so introspective? I think my fever is making me goofy. At least that is what I will blame it on, but really I am not that sick any more. Sick enough to miss an outing that I really wanted to do tonight. All I had the energy for was to go outside and take pics in the front yard, but even that only lasted a few minutes, as it got dark on me.

Sly makes me happy. He is hard to take pics of from inside the pasture as he wants to be with me all the time. Tonight, he put his head on my shoulder and hugged me up really tight. I have no idea why, but it was nice. I have to change something in my life so that I can spend more time enjoying what is right under my nose.


Train Wreck said...

I knew I liked you right off!! Where were you when I needed advice in my divorce though!!! I have multi personalities too! I think we all do. I am shy, and have a hard time standing up for myself. I am getting stronger. But if you mess with my family or friends? WATCH out! I am Hispanic/Italian & Catholic I will get mad, get even, then pray about it!LOL!! You horse is Beautiful!!! OMG! Perfect! I would love to photograph him. Not that you aren't doing a fab job, but then I could meet you, & capture the "Hug!"

Queen-Size funny bone said...

Its all those parts of you that makes one great you.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, there are many sides to all of us. I feel like I have had at least 5 different lives, but it's just the phases of life were such huge transitions. I like my blog personality self a lot.( less feet in mouth when you have that backspace button!!! lol.) LOVe your horse pics!

The Wife said...

It's your many sides that makes us blogger peeps love ya so. We all carry on double lives I think. My co-workers at the federal building see me in suits everyday. Then I come home and put my "cowgirl" duds on. They wouldn't even recognize me. As you, I just wait to win the lotto so I can ranch. Getting cramps in my fingers from keeping them crossed though!

Jodi said...

Well, Miss Paige, you are one of the most interesting friends I have. All your different sides. :)

And I love those pictures of Sly - I see Squirrel there in pictures 8, 9, 10 with that lip thing he is doing - like he is happy and content.

Holly said...

I used to think, way back in the day,

Yep, me too. I thought once the kids were out of diapers my life would be great, or out of kindergarten or graduated from high school or....

Holly said...

Sly has such tiny ears they almost get lost in that massive hair he has going on. I am so glad he gave you a hug.....and he is on MASSIVE boy isn't he?

not to mention sweet, good, handsome, kind....

much like you except we will put in pretty,not handsome!

Shelley said...

Wow, we got a glimpse into your psyche. I loved this blog entry.

It is an awful feeling when you love what you do but the surroundings in which you perform that job drive you away.

Paige said...

TW-I would love for you to shoot Sly--I take the same pics all the time of him, he needs a new perspective. His advertisiting photos were taken when he was three and although I cannot believe it, he is now 8.5 years old. Holy shit, that is amazing.

I actually wished someone was there to shoot the hug last nite. It was one of those perfect moments

Paige said...

Mrs D--maybe that is what seems so strange to me--I have no idea who my blog personality is. I think it is me, but then again, I censor an awful lot as well--which is not me at all.

Maybe that is what feels off kilter?

Paige said...

Yeah, I am back at work today and already in a mood. It sucks.

*Sarah* said...

Wow those photos were great and I was reading your post and not expecting photos but they are awesome.

Yeah I have always felt I have a jekyll and hyde personality or something. On one hand I am very motherly, kind, quiet, shy, want to help everyone, live in the suburbs yadda yadda, and on the other I love the city life with going out at night and art and coffeshops and intelligent conversations and biology and philosophy and being really opinionated and strong. My last boyf had a big problem with my conflicting interests, but sorry, that is me. I am both motherly and I like to party.

I think we all are like that.

Funny too, I always think I am not being noticed as well. I have had people just run into me or sit on me before as if I don't even exist. I feel like people don't notice me aLLLllLlLLLL the time, which makes me mad. I am shy and quiet until I get to know someone usually... so they think of me one way but in reality I am very open and opinionated with people I know and not shy in the least. So I understand how you think that sometimes when people do notice you they misunderstand you. It is something I will probably struggle with for forever =/

Amanda said...

Easily the most sensitive, brilliant, funny person I know. Your craziness just makes those things even more... more. I think of you behind the view of a kaleidoscope-- probably always have.

YOu make me madder than mad and laugh harder than anyone. That's a person with great personality credentials.

love you,
amanda l.

Anonymous said...

All your different "personalities" are what we love about you Paige! Maybe Sly knew you needed a hug. My dog is like that....she'll sense that I'm not myself and she goes out of her way to try and make me happy again. Animals are great that way in my opinion. :)

Anonymous said...

You forgot to mention that you are amazingly multi-faceted, multi- talented, capable, awesome and that your parents adore you, respect you, and are sinfully proud of you.

Robin Sallie said...


You are just you! Perfect as you are.

Love the photos.


Photo of the Whenever I feel like changing it

Photo of the Whenever I feel like changing it


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