Monday, October 6, 2008

Speaking of old

With age comes wisdom--and gray faces and bad immune systems, and any number of other bad things. But it cannot cover up what a class act this ol girl is.

My special girl, Miss Nita, who came so close to not being with us any more, has recovered so well. She is an old gal, but she must have a lot of heart to have been through all of the not-so -difficult but oh so irritating things she has been through this year.That she is so black and shiny right now is amazing, considering just a few months ago, all of her hair fell out and she was bald as an egg with a skin condition. So ugly she was, and had to wear a sunscreen sheet so she would not burn. While we were on vacation, she got it half off and tangled around her belly and dragged it all over the wild blue yonder tripping over it--refusing to be caught to be addressed, so it flapped around in shreds for God knows how long until she decided to shimmy all the way out of it--she looked like a broken down senile old Super Hero wearing her cape.

Then she grew hair, and it was baby fine and beautiful. Then it bleached out to a light brown so that she looked like a mangy seal and she lost at least 100 pounds, which a horse that age cannot afford to lose. In the midst of that, she had an abcess or two and was three-legged lame. I like an abcess for its easy fixability, but how much can one old broad be expected to put up with?
Yep, she is still sway backed as hell, but she looks great to me--meat on her bones, muscle back in her chest and she ran from me tonight as I tried to take pics of her.

I guess the old girl is not ready to go yet. Thank God, I am not ready for her to go yet either


Train Wreck said...

Oh Poor girl! SHe has been through hell! It is good that her home is with you. She has a good life with you. Hopefully she will live the rest of her days pain, sickness, and suffering free!

Paige said...

Yeah I love her--I have had her almost 10 years.

It is so hard to KNOW when it is time--and right when I would start to think it might be, because of whatever the newest stupid thing was, she would turn around and fight back.


Anonymous said...

Horses and people can fool you with that "being old business".

She is not ready "to go" as she has too much to do as well as teasing or aggravating those around her.

Me too Enjoy Carol

Adventure girl said...

Oh gosh! What a story. The poor thing. Good thing she has you. What caused her to lose her hair and weight?

The Wife said...

So glad she is doing better. Love the image of a "broken down senile old Super Hero wearing her cape!"

Jen's Farmily said...

hee hee. I liked the imagery of her refusing to be caught. She's a wild old one she is!

I read the Fugly Horse of the Day blog and she's always writing about older horses and how hard it is to keep weight on them, but yours looks great!

Photo of the Whenever I feel like changing it

Photo of the Whenever I feel like changing it


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