Friday, October 10, 2008

In which I try to dispose of some books

I do not know about you people, but I have a reading problem. I read all the time, while I eat, while I watch TV, while I take a bath, while I hang out in the pool--I even read while I drive. Scratch that, pretend I did not say that.

I do not think I have ever ridden on a horse, but it is just a matter of time.

The down side is that there are so many books in this house that we are forever tripping over them. I box them up weekly but that is still not fast enough to get rid of all the books.

So here is my idea. If you people read, and can tolerate the kind of drivel that I read, I want to pawn my books off on you. I figured I would just post the name of the book I just finished and whoever wants it can speak up and it will shortly arrive in your mailbox.

Any one interested in such a thing?

The books I have finished this week are:

The Vanishing by Bentley Little TAKEN
The Potluck Club by Linda Evans Shepard and Eva Marie Everson STILL AVAILABLE
7th Heaven by James Patterson TAKEN
Hide and Seek by Fern Michaels TAKEN
Below the Surface by Karen Harper TAKEN

Ok maybe those are not the ones I read this week as some are a few months old if not more---but those are the ones on the table closest to where I sit.

Any takers?


Shell said...

The Vanishing, 7th Heaven and Below the Surface. If you want one per person, just pick one of them for me. If you want someone to take them all, ship them to me. If you want me to send you a check for shipping, just holler!
Do you have access to my e-mail from you blog? I'll e-mail you my address or I can PM you through IHO.

Anonymous said...

All of those sound interesting. Bring them with you along with any others you want. We'll be seeing several readers down there. You should be able to unload (I mean share) several.
Love you,

Paige said...

I will send you those three--just send me your address and I will get them out next week.


Anonymous said...

How about The Fern Michaels and Karen Harper.

And I "recycle" to other readers too so they will be well traveled as well as read.

Thanks Carol

Unknown said...

Gosh i would LOVE to take any James Patterson off your hands-I just started reading his books while daddy went through chemo-I can finish a book of his in about 5 hrs...I LOVE to read too

Anonymous said...

I like to write my name in the book and send it on it's way. I give it to a friend and tell them once they're done to just pass it on its way to someone else. Sometimes it makes it back and it's been on a great journey, other times it just keeps going!

Jen's Farmily said...

This is a great idea Paige! Although I'm more of a book hoarder. I'm always afraid that if I give a book away, I'll want to read it again!! It looks like all your books are spoken for, I'll have to be quicker!! :)

Paige said...

I used to could re-read books, but not anymore.

Carol, send me your mailing address, and I will send some on to you as well.

I got home to find two shipments of books came over the weekend. So I have about 14 more books! These will be all brand new bestsellers

I am finishing Tribute by Nora Roberts in a few minutes.

Who wants that one?

Debbie said...

Hi Paige,

Thanks for stopping by Blog Around the World. You are all linked up. Check in daily to see where in the world we are headed next!

Do you want me to publicize this giveaway next week on BATW?

Mer said...

Sounds like a great idea...except I probably am suffering from the same problem.

I may copy your idea, though and give some of my books a good home...

terri said...

What a great idea. I think I would benefit from doing the same thing. I just mailed one book off to a blog buddy. And Lord knows how many others could be passed on so that someone could read them as opposed to them just collecting dust.

You know... I've seen these things called libraries where you can borrow the books for FREE and give them back when you're done. I should maybe give this a try sometime....

(and on a serious note, I think the library would be more than happy to take donations of any books you want to get rid of.)

Paige said...

You talk crazy Terri-I am in no way responsible enough for returning things to the libraries! Plus, what would I do if I dropped their book in the bathtub? Or the pool? Or a mud puddle?

I cannot take that kind of stress!

Photo of the Whenever I feel like changing it

Photo of the Whenever I feel like changing it


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