Monday, June 9, 2008

Catching up on things

The hard part of vacation is coming home to find out what went wrong, and get back in the swing of things.

My first order of business today was to get to the bank to replace the money that had magically disappeared--and I remembered to do it.! That is kind of odd for me, especially when under the gun

Second was to call the farrier to request an appointment--the feet are out of control here, it seems like we are non-stop doing feet around here. I left a message.

Third was to take the tadpole pool water to the pool store to get my chemicals to make it right. I actually remembered the water sample and dropped it off at lunch. Then I met Mandy, Gabi and Edward for lunch--Rita went with. It was swell. We covered many topics including what has to be done about some of the things going on around here.

Fourth was to call the vet to schedule ultrasounds and make a plan in case Squeak is open as Center Ranch shuts its breeding season June 15--which is Sunday. Not good timing for us. Left a message on that matter as well and will call Center Ranch tomorrow to confirm that foolishness.

Fifth, call the A/C man to tell him all is not good here--and he came tonight and fixed me up for 73 bucks!

Sixth, call other vet to see what to do about a pig covered in ticks--oddly, you give them ivermectin, which we just did and I hope we did not kill him. I also hope all those huge ticks get right on off of him, as they are nasty nasty nasty. He is on the porch resting by the door and not wagging his piggy tail---hope that does not mean anything important

Seventh, pick up potty meds for the dogs--we go through those things like crazy.

I went home and started the chemicals and was going to mow, but then Mandy, Edward and Gabi showed up to play for a while. She kills me, I am trying to turn her onto Reggae for her jigging, but I don't know if it will take. She did kiss on Thor for a while, which is cute since his head is half as big as she is. That dog is a saint and he barely even opened an eye at her while she loved on him.

I got in about 20 minutes of mowing, but a hellacious storm came on and it got pitch black and the rain hurt, so I had to quit. I am a fanatic about mowing, and it really got away from us while we are gone. I only got part of the side yeard by the pool done, so combined with what I did Sunday nite down by the barn, I am turning this yard into a week long job---oy vey.

And I did something for Amy that I should have done a long time ago and never got around to doing--I can be so bad about forgetting to do things.

I need to go through more of this mail, but that will require getting a big trash can out of the garage to pitch it all and I think the light bulbs are all burned out--so that might kill me.

All of this would have been all right, but considering I wore my brain out today at work as well writing letters to clients and catching up on all I missed, I am whipped. And I still have to go out into the storm to add more pool chemicals, and if I do not update my website, I will not be able to sleep.

I almost need a vacation.

Hopefully tomorrow will be a little more relaxed and things can get back to normal

More pics will have to wait, I don't have it in me right now


Holly said...

and vacations are supposed to be relaxing.....

Lorna said...

You need a vacation from your vacation! But, it does sound like you got a ton done yesterday!

Paige said...

Tell me sister, I was up until past 2 doing text updates to teh website, and was paid back by sleeping until 10:30 am...that thorws off my whole schedule for today nit getting me home from work until 6. You should see my list for today!

Photo of the Whenever I feel like changing it

Photo of the Whenever I feel like changing it


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