Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Door to Door Wildlife

We just moved offices in December and now are not in big downtown MtV...we are more on the edge of town, albeit in an area with new office buildings going up all the time. Just today on the few miles between there and my front door, I saw enough animals that I started getting my camera out.

This was part of a herd of 20 or so deer just outside of our parking lot

And this unfortunate looking dude was on the side of the road by my house

And of course, just outside my front door---the most handsome of them all....the Baconator. Who is missing his friend Charlie, who I have not seen in a few weeks. I assume he is out whoring around, but of course, I have no evidence of that. I miss him though, and I know Boce does.


Anonymous said...

Oh NO! Charlie, please come home. Peeg misses you--but so do those of us via technology.

Wildlife in and around are so nice to see. I have two turkeys that walk by every morning. The deer are hiding---but maybe it's time for them to have babies.

And putting up pics on F/B of my "Blaze of Glory"

Enjoy Carol

Anonymous said...

saw him down by spring garden road last week after I dropped the kids off

Paige said...

Really? How close to the road? Bad pig!

Jackie said...

We saw Charlie today, from a distance, but piggy was smootching on him. Funniest sight, never saw a cat & pig love on each other.

Photo of the Whenever I feel like changing it

Photo of the Whenever I feel like changing it


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