Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Day 2 of photo Challenge-- A Day at work

This was actually yesterday-- a day at work, but the computer would not work to let me post. I am supposed to take a morning picture--so that is my to-do list for the day. I got all but pool chemicals and Gator battery done...and two of the three work projects.
This is one of my favorite things at work--we have always had it. It is the scales of justice, but that rock on the right side says "State" on it. Cracks me up, because it is so true--the scales of justice are in no way balanced.
Back in the day, these books were what you had to rely on to find case law for authority. They still taught this when I was in law school, but now we do not even get books in our office. It is all online. Makes a cool pic though
This is part of a record I am working on. But only part of it. It is about 2500 pages in its entirety--this is just some of it lying in a paper box. High tech storage system huh?
This is a docket sheet--handwritten notes a judge or clerk makes during the court proceedings. Some rulings go in here, depending on the judge, and documents filed are noted in here. Depending on the county, there can be page after page of these--and you can imagine how that can hurt a girl's head to read them line by line by line. This one actually has really good handwriting to some of them. It is worth it though as sometimes you find a secret buried in there.
More books. Okay, I admit, I got them out just to take pics. I have gotten out of the habit of using books to find law--so these probably have not been touched in some time. It is just too easy to do electronic searches on Westlaw or Lexis, which are the legal databases we use.
This is just funny. This is in my supervisor's office---she is a bit of a smart ass. I particularly like the garage one. We are an irreverant bunch--and obviously a hair more liberal than most of the world.
This is what I see a lot--my supervisor editing something. She edits night and day, and thank God for it, as she makes my life much easier. She is a perfectionist, and we make a good team
This is the court house we practice in. Our offices are elsewhere, but this is where our docs are filed and where we go to appear in court. It is beautiful. Notice that I took this pic at nite. That is because I did not leave work until it was pretty much nite.

And as you know by now, that is only part of my day....I still had a passel of horses to feed, dogs to feed, pig to feed, secret kitties to feed, and the rest of my life to conduct.

This project is actually kind of fun. I will be gone to some business in the capital tomorrow, so I will have to schedule a post for then...and doing that really highlights how bizarre my life is. I go from hillbilly farmer to constitutional scholar in the space of five minutes....no wonder I trip over my own feet sometimes!


Holly said...

this is such an interesting look into your life. I love it. The photos are also very excellent Paige tho honestly? I expect very little less than that of you.

It has expanded your photography horizons hasn't it?

Anonymous said...

Am enjoying your challenge------day 2 was extremely interesting, educational, ( no books anymore--use electronic technology) and the Court House at night is beautiful.

Day 3 will bring ? ? ? ?

Am still enjoying Carol

The Wife said...

Very cool Paige. I enjoy seeing your pics each day.

Linda said...

Good Lord Paige! I don't know how you do it all! Oh wait! You don't sleep! Now I understand.
Whew, I think I'll go nap for the both of us;-)

Áine said...

Your pics are really nice!! I'm loving the bumper stickers :)

Shelley said...

I felt like a voyeur reading your post. You lead such an interesting life.

I could take some awesome pics at work but cameras and recording devices are not allowed on site. Party poopers.

Amanda said...

i enjoy the word passel. is that really a word? just goes to show how smart i am, huh?

love the courthouse pic. you forgot to tell about lincoln debating there. that's important...


Photo of the Whenever I feel like changing it

Photo of the Whenever I feel like changing it


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