Monday, April 25, 2011

New baby boy!

Look who showed up this morning! At 9:20 am, Aries had a bright red baby boy by Dualin Boon.

He is strong and appears to be healthy and is kinda cute. She struggled a little for several hours afterwards and is taking her sweet time cleaning up but surely the oxytocin I gave her will move that along soon. If not, I will have the vet up tomorrow--which is kind of funny, since I took Foxy down to Coogan's to see Dr Miles three days in a row, and now he will have to come here anyway.

That leads to an explanation of why my truck and trailer are stuck in the yard, but I do not want to think about the mud right now.


Lorna said...

Dang! Is he cute!!!!!

Glad Aries is seemingly doing better!

Queen-Size funny bone said...

congrats he is handsome

duffylou said...

Hooray for a big, strapping boy!

Anonymous said...

Aw--he is so cute----would Stormy be a good name----? ? ?

Enjoy Carol

Amanda said...

Sooo cute!!!

BrownEyed Cowgirl said...

He is a bright red. Is that one sock or two?

Photo of the Whenever I feel like changing it

Photo of the Whenever I feel like changing it


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