Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Clampetts go to Chicago

Last weekend, Mike, Jenna and I hauled our hillbilly butts up the road to go see Barry in his new digs. Well, I was the only hillbilly, but it is my story, so I am making them hillbillies too.

We got to Barry's apartment a little after 9--it was nice, and what we could see of the neighborhood was nice too. We did not have much time to mess around though, since we had some people to meet at a local resort watering hole. It was on the water --Indian Lakes Resort. That was a lot of fun, to see Jen and other Mike, and meet their friends.

We had a late nite, and that is all that needs to be said about that.

The next day we turned into full-blown tourists. I mean, serious tourists. Mike had seen a place on the Travel Channel that is famous for its weirdo sausage, and he wanted to go there. Thank God for GPS, which took us directly to Hot Dougs Unfortunately, it also took a whole bunch of other people. We arrived at 2:30 and there was a line longer than the block. I do not need reindeer sausage that much, and evidently neither did Mike, as he consented to move along to our next Chicago tourist activity.

That was deep dish pizza at Gino's East. I am not a fan on the deep dish pizza, as it seems to be to just have its toppings on upside down and I do not get that, but I never turn down pizza at all. Barry's GPS, Trixie, took us to the wrong one, but that let us sit outside and enjoy the 70 degree weather. It was awesome.

For our next stage of acting like we have never been to the big city, we went downtown to shop and hang out. We covered a healthy section of State Street and Michigan Avenue, which was fun. It is odd how when you can do that, you just do not. Had we come from some other state, I am sure we would do it more often.

We had a break for a drink at Dick's Last Resort in its new location on the river. While there, I got a text from a friend from junior high, and she was with her friends at the Roof at The Wit. Our server told us it was quite the big deal place to go, but that we were dressed like hillbillies....

And we were of course. We are not the sort of people to let that phase us though, and we went anyway. It was fun to see Julie, and Roof is gorgeous. It is on the 27th Floor of this new hotel, overlooking the river and the downtown area. The only thing more stunning were the people....I don't know if I have ever seen so many stunning people in one place in my life. We spent a few hours there catching up and people-watching. It was a great way to end a nite--and the lines to get in when we left backed up the story that this is a very popular place. You can see some pics here--Roof

We were worn out after that, so we called it a night. It was a great day.


Holly said...

that certainly is sumfun. Big place that Wit.....more your style than mine I think. I'm a grass-to-the-knees, wild kinda places gal. Give me horse poop, a pond with wild wading birds and a couple of dogs to explore with and I'm happy.

Anonymous said...

Chicago---Chicago---that toddlin town!!!!! la la la

is a city that welcomes everyone with or without shoes on, straw in hair.

Did you drive "under the L" on wabash ave-------rode that thingee many times on my way to the banks I worked at.

any chance of "diving" in Lake Michigan for their "fish"??????

More pics I hope if not this time---next trip.

Enjoy Carol

Mariah said...

Late night huh? I want to know more about *that*

Amanda said...

love the pic of you and BS. But you clearly forgot your product? why would you do that to such a nice do?

City girl turned Country Girl said...

I love your Hillbilly-ness LOL!! You just crack me up!! Sounds like you all had a fabulous time!!

Photo of the Whenever I feel like changing it

Photo of the Whenever I feel like changing it


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