Friday, November 14, 2008

A little good this week

I took this shot on my long long long drive home from prison on Thursday. I actually pulled off the side of the road and took it like some sort of fool who has never seen the sun set before, but I loved the hot pink and purple colors. I missed the best angle which really lit up the clouds, but I had just passed someone at a high rate of speed and I was afraid they would shoot me if I pulled over on the side of a two-lane highway just after doing it.

This is another angle of it, and the first thing I notice about it is the stupid power line running through it. I have lots of my pics ruined by power lines.
This I took on my way out of town the day is one of the jillion gates at the farm.
This fence was on the way home from prison as well---this whole property made me sad as it had big red barns, which are my favorite, and lots of board fence---and it appeared to be abandoned. There were certainly no animals there. What a waste---things like that make me sad.


Holly said...

abandonded properties make me sad too. Especially when I know that *I* would love to have a barn and fencing.

Anonymous said...

Simple houses that had elderly people living in them----and now stand empty-----

and no kids or relatives to even cut the grass

nice homes--sad--

Funder said...

I am giggling at the thought of you zipping past somebody then screeching to a halt to take pictures.

I kinda like the power lines in the sunset - there's birdhouses on the lines. Adds a different element.

Go look at Holly's dressage camel and you'll laugh til you hurt yourself.

Robin Sallie said...

Thos top too are stunning!

Photo of the Whenever I feel like changing it

Photo of the Whenever I feel like changing it


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