Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Fox parts

It was farrier day again--when isn't it farrier day around here lately? And to be accurate, it was farrier evening, which explains why the only pics I have from today are taken in a stall, in the dark.

I was obviously a little limited in what my options were for shots I had not taken before, but was also too busy to spend much time thinking about it. Barry is gone, and it was dark, and I had to spend more time that was freaking called for chasing Melody who was in a mood, so by the time I got the camera out, we were on the last horse of the nite--Foxy.
Now here is a shot that you do not see very often! I was trying to show how cute her little baby belly is, but turns out it is kind of raunchy. I thought I would put it in here as pseudo- horsey porn to see if the googlers would turn up from searching horse porn. I will let you know how that goes out. It was an interesting shot anyway as I guess I have not noticed that seam down the middle of a mare's tummy---it is kind of cute.
There is nothing interesting about this shot at all--I took it before I got a big idea, and I was trying to justify why my night took so dang long---I pulled cockleburrs out of manes and tails all nite and then conditioned and braided tails on all the horses we trimmed--which was Foxy, Hotrod, Hawkeye, Xanadu, and Squeak. They were all de-wormed as well, which has nothing to do with this post but if I put it here, it might really get in my book. Which it cannot right now because my hands are still cramped up from all those cockleburrs---which I think are the creation of Satan himself. I even have prickly pokes under my fingernails

Anyway, my big idea was taking pictures of tail braids.

It was pretty cool to take different angles, with different apertures, etc.

Marvin thinks I am nuts, for real, but I could tell he wondered what my deal was that I had not gotten out the camera all nite.

All in all, a successful evening, and I was in such a good mood that I have even done some actual work stuff since I have been home. Probably I did that because I do not want to pick up the crap in the kitchen so the cleaning lady can get to the cleaning stuff tomorrow. Which raises a whole other question--how do I pay her when I am out of checks, and the new ones have not come?

It is always something.


Holly said...

that is a beautiful mane in the first photo!

Unknown said...

Those are some beautiful photos...the manes are so shiny! Wish my hair was that pretty :)

Anonymous said...

Cleaning Lady Pay:

How about Money---which is just as good as Cash! ! !

enjoy carol

Unknown said... porn. I think you might be safe though it is sorta cute.

angien said...

I think your photography is wonderful. You should now start scrapbooking. (LOL)
Here I am , can you see me now?

Photo of the Whenever I feel like changing it

Photo of the Whenever I feel like changing it


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