Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Book Swap #4

I guess I already read these, they were on the top of the many stacks of books in the kitchen.

"Stranger in Paradise" Robert B Parker. This is one of the Jesse Stone series. I think they ruined his character for me forever when they made the Magnum PI guy play him in a movie. Still good books though. This is one that just came out this year. TAKEN


"Death Walked In" by Carolyn Hart, one of the "Death on Demand" series, of which there are 9 jillion, but they are not reliant on each other mostly. This is a 2008 book, in case that helps you figure out if you already read it. STILL AVAILABLE

GO! Claim your books girls!


hooves said...

In case you aren't having any luck placing your books don't forget www.bookins.com. You get a trade list and a want list. Print the label free when someone wants your book. You are charged less than $5.00 when someone sends a book to you. hooves

Funder said...

Ooh I'd love a Robert Parker! What do I need to do?

Photo of the Whenever I feel like changing it

Photo of the Whenever I feel like changing it


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