Thursday, May 8, 2008

Way cuter all dried off!

Evidently the flash of my camera woke her up --baby girl and mama were napping when I stopped by at lunch to check on Diablo and the placenta. And yes, I know that Diablo needs her feet done, but you have seen that belly--we have been unable to get to them with that thing in the way!
This pic shows not only how tall this baby is, but also how much of Diablo is remaining. Look at that belly! I guess she needs to get back on the exercise program with that thing, in a month or so.

This is how I left her---right back where we started---back to her nap.


Holly said...

I love that picture of the two of them lying down and Mamma touching her.

*Sarah* said...

:D How sweet are they!

Kaycie said...

She is very tall. Look at those legs, they don't end. And your pictures are so precious. Shows how much your mares trust you. That is awesome.

Anonymous said...

You woke us up-----we posed----stood up-----said hello

so now go away so we can finish our"dreaming" of the good life.

That's what I heard from them- - -


Unknown said...

Verry cute looooong legged baby there ! By Gods though, Diablo looks like she might still have a baby or two left in there. Holy Hefty bag Bat Man !

Photo of the Whenever I feel like changing it

Photo of the Whenever I feel like changing it


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