Sunday, December 30, 2007

Friday Nite Evidence

We had so much fun---it is strange how it can be with some people who you have not seen in forever, years even. With some people, it feels awkward, and with others it is like you just were with them yesterday. That is how it was with Blake and Leigh.

Blake and I have so much history, and he was the one who taught Barry his infamous motto: "Keep your head down and keep drinking", which was Blake's best advice on how to deal with me when I first started dating Barry. Probably good advise even now.

Leigh is almost done with law school after working in politics for a long time, so we have that to chat about. Even crazier, a professor from my law school that I knew is her advisor at her law school. What a bizarre coincidence, huh?

The picture is of Raymond (I do not know why he looks so crazy there), his daughter Beth, Blake, Barry and Leigh. Raymond and Beth are the closest family friends of Blake's family, and during Dad's day events at U of I, Raymond would come too. That worked out good since my Dad never wanted to go out with everyone, which is the point of Dad's day, so Raymond was his stand-in. His kids did not go to U of I, so he went with me. Just thinking of some of those stories alternately cracks me up and embarrasses me, but we sure did have fun!


Amanda said...

Your hair is so cute straight! Why don't you ever do that? I know, I know... too much work.

Photo of the Whenever I feel like changing it

Photo of the Whenever I feel like changing it


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